Friday, March 16, 2007

Read, Read and Read

Reading, Reading, Reading

I have really tried to establish the importance of reading the material. Most of the students in my classes were accustomed to not reading the corresponding text material. The students felt it was not necessary. They had been given notes and study guides all year long so they were hesitant to open their books. I have taken small excerpts and read to them and ask them to summarize the reading. It has been met with resistance. I have given them several assignments that required them to find the answers. Most of the students try using the index, glossary or just scanning the text in hopes of having the answers readily given to them.
I have shown them that doing that takes longer and can produce incorrect information.
I do believe I am making some headway. My lesson plans for next week center around reading the text as a class and formulating notes as a class. I anticipate it will go well.
Thursday I had them work on an assignment once they finished their test. The assignment was based on interpreting map information.
Although many of the students are still resisting I do believe the ice is broken and student ownership is developing. I am looking forward to having my own class that I can work with for a whole year.

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